This year’s competition program features a special category, ARCTIC OPEN – CHILDREN, with feature films and documentaries about friendship, transformational years of young adulthood and global challenges through children’s eyes.

“ARCTIC OPEN — CHILDREN is our new category with a selection of short films, documentaries and features. Selecting the best in this category is going to be a tough job for the jury. And I really envy the people who are going to watch these films because all of them are profound, character-driven films that give much insight into the world of a child and a teenager and that also show how children perceive what adults do. I definitely recommend them as perfect for family viewing. Many of these films draw upon the subjects you don’t often hear parents discuss with their kids,” said ARCTIC OPEN Programming Director Angelica Dolinina.


Yury Yerofeev

Journalist, screen writer, film producer, member of the Russian Association of Journalists. With track record on television since 1996, Yerofeev is the author of hundreds of TV programmes and films for children and adolescents. His films have received accolades from film and television festivals in Russia and globally. Okno Serezhi Basalayeva (Serezha Basalaev’s Window) has received the special prize from UNICEF. Yerofeev’s contribution to children’s television programmes earned him a place in the Academy of Children’s Television (hosted by Ostankino). Yury Yerofeev is one of the organizers of Northern Character FF and Northern Character: Green Screen FF.

Dmitry Trubin

Arkhangelsk-based painter, graphic and book artist. Dmitry is an Honoured Artist of Russia and a valid Knight of the Order of Literature and Arts Academy GRECI-MARINO (Italy). He is a recipient of 2014 Hans Christian Andersen Literature Award and Diploma by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) – Best Illustration to Children’s Book, and 2014 All-Russian Competition Obraz Knigi (Book Image). Trubin has been awarded with Silver Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts and the medal of the Russian Artists Association. A partner to major Russian and overseas publishing houses, he is the author of illustrations to 180+ books.

Svetlana Makaryina

Poet and children’s author. Makaryina has authored three books of poems including children’s – Budka Dlya Dobroy Sobaki (A House for a Friendly Dog). She has been chairing four jury boards of online competition Brusnika and is currently its programmer.

She is the author of numerous publications in journals, collection volumes and children’s media. Makaryina hold prizes and awards from may festivals and competitions, including the 2015 Za Dalyu-Dal’ (shortlisted), I. Grigoriev International Poetry Competition (top nominee), and the 2018 International Literature Competition Lokhmaty Drug (third prize).

 ARCTIC OPEN’s selection of films for family viewing – short films, feature length films and documentaries, made in the UK, USA, Sweden, Russia, Canada, India and Finland – spans December 4-8.

4 ДЕКАБРЯ (среда)

«Мираж Синема» в ТРК «Титан Арена» (Архангельск, ул. Воскресенская, д.20)

11.00-13.00 х/ф «БИТВА» / 1ч.25 /
Фильм представит режиссер Анар Аббасов
2019 / Russia / drama / 85 min./6+ / Director Anar Abbasov
The dreams of street dancer Anton to win over the dance world are crushed when an accidental injury plunges him into a world of silence. Having lost his ability to hear, Anton loses his reason to live as well. But it is exactly at this difficult time that he meets his true love and finds his vocation. His passion for dancing cannot be erased and deafness does not defy him. Anton learns to listen to the music that comes from the inside and starts to teach dancing to kids with hearing impairments. He prepares a unique act and takes great risks joining his former team with deaf kids for this new dance. The Russian tournament has never seen anything like that; it is a triumph and flawless victory that enables Anton and his team to take part in the World Championship. But the main prize for the protagonist turns out to be the day he hears the sound of his beloved girlfriend’s voice for the first time.


Архангельская областная научная библиотека имени Н. А. Добролюбова
(г. Архангельск, ул. Логинова, дом 2)

16.00 д/ф «67 49 32 СЕВЕР» / «67 49 32 NORTH»
2018/Канада, Турция/ 56 мин./12+/Режиссер Ece Soydam, Mathieu Dumond
Фильм представят Ece Soydam, Mathieu Dumond
Mathieu is a wildlife biologist and filmmaker who lives in the arctic region of Canada. Born and raised in France, he now feels at home in this cold environment, together with his Inuit wife and lovely son. Mathieu’s quest to film wildlife is even more crucial than ever, as the world he loves dearly has already started to change because of climate change.


5 ДЕКАБРЯ (четверг)

ДОМ МОЛОДЕЖИ Архангельской области, (Архангельск, ул. Шубина, 9)

14:00 ДОКЦИКЛ «ПАМЯТЬ»: «Русские в Киркенесе», «Швеция 164», «Война и мир города Ханко»
2019/Швеция, Норвегия, Финляндия/26 мин. 26 мин. 26 мин/0+/ Режиссер Евгений Безбородов
Фильмы представит режиссер Евгений Безбородов
Цикл документальных фильмов «Память» о людях в странах Европы и СНГ, которые в наши дни сохраняют память о войне, о солдатах. И о том, как по-разному они оценивают события середины прошлого века и современного времени.

Ломоносовский ДВОРЕЦ КУЛЬТУРЫ (г. Архангельск, ул. Никитова, 1)


2018 /США/ 10 мин/ 6+/ Режиссер Marine G. Brun-Franzetti
Это история о Лео, десятилетней девочке, которая восстает против своего отца Мистера Риссо, управляющего в супермаркете Willy. Лео страстно любит дельфинов и находит убежище в воображаемом мире, созданном в ее спальне. Она обрисовывает план акции протеста возле супермаркета, которым управляет ее отец.
2019 /Канада/ 22 мин./ 6+/ Режиссер Сандрин Бродер-Дезросир
Eva (8 years old) and her father are doing a road trip Montreal-Mexico in a big 18-wheels truck.



2019/ Швеция/ Драма/ 7 мин./ 12+/ Режиссеры Stephane Mounkassa, Stefan Sundin
Last class of the week. Niklas is about to change school after years of bullying but he refuses to leave the classroom without restitution. Cleo hesitates to intervene but finds herself in a dilemma that forces her to make a choice.
2019/ Россия/ Драма/ 20 мин./ 12+/ Режиссер Сергей Целиков
A group of young adventure-seekers want fame. Every day they do dangerous things and have them filmed for posting online. Things change when a stranger comes to their extreme training camp Adjika to introduce them on a fast, semilegal track to fame. Unaware of the stranger’s plan to play with their ambitions, the guys follow his instructions.
2018/ Великобритания, Непал/ 16 мин./ 12+/Режиссер Декель Беренсон
Nestled between a beautiful lake and the Himalayas, Ashmina, 13, lives with her family at the outskirts of Pokhara, Nepal, paragliding capital of the world.

Кинокомплекс ДРУЖБА (г. Новодвинск, ул. Советских космонавтов, д.7)
15:00 Художественный фильм «БИТВА» (6+)
/1ч.25 / 2019/Россия/Драма /6+/Режиссер Анар Аббасов
Фильм представит режиссер Анар Аббасов
The dreams of street dancer Anton to win over the dance world are crushed when an accidental injury plunges him into a world of silence. Having lost his ability to hear, Anton loses his reason to live as well. But it is exactly at this difficult time that he meets his true love and finds his vocation. His passion for dancing cannot be erased and deafness does not defy him. Anton learns to listen to the music that comes from the inside and starts to teach dancing to kids with hearing impairments. He prepares a unique act and takes great risks joining his former team with deaf kids for this new dance. The Russian tournament has never seen anything like that; it is a triumph and flawless victory that enables Anton and his team to take part in the World Championship. But the main prize for the protagonist turns out to be the day he hears the sound of his beloved girlfriend’s voice for the first time.


6 ДЕКАБРЯ (пятница) 

«Мираж Синема» в ТРК «Титан Арена» (Архангельск, ул. Воскресенская, д.20)
10.15-12.15 х/ф «ЭТО НЕ НАВСЕГДА» /1ч.32 /
Фильм представят режиссеры Евгения Яцкина, Алёна Рубинштейн
2019/Россия/Драма/92 мин./12+/Режиссер Евгения Яцкина, Алёна Рубинштейн.
The film revolves around four orphans, Petya, Vanya, Nastenka and Misha, living in a children’s home. They all dream to be adopted. Their fates are intertwined but each of them has their own way to follow. In the time of adversity they know there is always a silver lining.


«ВИЗИТ-ЦЕНТР НП «РУССКАЯ АРКТИКА» Главный корпус САФУ (г. Архангельск, Наб. Северной Двины, д.17)

2019 / Finland / 58 min/12+ / Director Kira Jaaskleinen
In 1917 Finnish explorer Sakari Pälsi travelled to north-eastern Siberia carrying a cinematograph and 13,000 feet of film with him. The journey birthed a unique documentary film and a travelogue. A hundred years later director Kira Jääskeläinen returns to the Bering strait in Pälsi's footsteps. By combining old and new film footage, Pälsi's notes and the stories of the local Indigenous peoples, the film tells the story of the Chukchi and Siberian Eskimos from the days gone by till today.


2019/ ПРЕМЬЕРА /Исландия/42 мин./6+/Режиссер Спенсер Фрост
Фильм «Угол Земли» — это кинематографическое исследование в условиях северной зимы, героями которого становятся профессиональный сёрфер Фрейзер Довел, режиссер Спенсер Фрост и фотограф Гай Виллемент. Путешествие “тройки отважных” на край Земли, чтобы ловить волны и потрясающие кадры в красивейших местах суровой Арктики. Герои борются с экстремальными погодными явлениями и восхищаются величием природы.


КИНОКОМПЛЕКС «РУСЬ» (Архангельск, ул. Тимме, 7)
15.00-16.50 х/ф БИТВА /1ч.25 /
Фильм представит режиссер Анар Аббасов
2019 / Russia / drama / 85 min./6+ / Director Anar Abbasov
The dreams of street dancer Anton to win over the dance world are crushed when an accidental injury plunges him into a world of silence. Having lost his ability to hear, Anton loses his reason to live as well. But it is exactly at this difficult time that he meets his true love and finds his vocation. His passion for dancing cannot be erased and deafness does not defy him. Anton learns to listen to the music that comes from the inside and starts to teach dancing to kids with hearing impairments. He prepares a unique act and takes great risks joining his former team with deaf kids for this new dance. The Russian tournament has never seen anything like that; it is a triumph and flawless victory that enables Anton and his team to take part in the World Championship. But the main prize for the protagonist turns out to be the day he hears the sound of his beloved girlfriend’s voice for the first time.

2019/Финляндия-Бельгия-Германия/Документальный фильм/73мин./12+/Режиссер Реетта Хутанен
Шестилетний Аатос и его друзья находятся в поиске смысла жизни в мире, находящимся под нарастающей угрозой.

18.15-18.40 НУРЕХ / NOOREH /22 мин./
2018 / India / drama/22 min/6+ / Director Ashsih Pandey
A small village near the border between Kashmir (India) and Pakistan has often been in the middle of crossfire. One night, eight-year old Nureh wakes up to find that the bloody war stops for as long as she keeps her eyes open and resumes every time she closes them.

18.40-19.10 МЕНЯ ЗОВУТ ПЕТЯ /15 мин /
Фильм представит режиссер Дарья Биневская
2019 / Russia / Melodrama / 15 min. / 12+ / Director Daria Binevskaya
A mother and her two small children are taken to an infectious diseases hospital one night in winter. One bizzare encounter in the hospital will change the mother’s life forever.


МЕДИА-ЦЕНТР «АРКТИЧЕСКИЙ МОСТ»  Интеллектуальный центр-Научная библиотека САФУ (г. Архангельск, ул. Смольный буян, д.1, 4 этаж, ауд.404.1)
16:50 к/ф « -21 ГРАДУС» /«-21 DE»
2018 / Canada / drama / 17 min/6+ / Director Colin Nixon

Джессика, молодая женщина с синдромом Дауна, стремится утолить свою жажду рыбалки. Оказавшись в групповом доме-интернате, под руководством строгой Дианы, она решает однажды ночью бежать к замерзшему озеру.


Ломоносовский Дворец Культуры (г. Архангельск, ул. Никитова, 1)

19:00 х/ф «ЭТО НЕ НАВСЕГДА»
2019/Россия/Драма/92 мин./12+/Режиссеры Евгения Яцкина, Алёна Рубинштейн
Фильм представят режиссеры Евгения Яцкина, Алёна Рубинштейн
The film revolves around four orphans, Petya, Vanya, Nastenka and Misha, living in a children’s home. They all dream to be adopted. Their fates are intertwined but each of them has their own way to follow. In the time of adversity they know there is always a silver lining.


7 ДЕКАБРЯ (суббота)

СЕВЕРНЫЙ МОРСКОЙ МУЗЕЙ (г. Архангельск, улица Набережная Северной Двины, 80)

2019 / PREMIERE / Canada, Greenland / 88 min. / 0+ / Director Denis Blaquière
Арктика — это величественный мир. Но ледяной покров тает с угрожающей скоростью, и канадские дайверы и кинематографисты исследуют, как дикая природа Арктики приспосабливается к глобальным изменениям. Документальный фильм «Под тонким льдом» рассказывает историю необычной экспедиции. Зрители отправятся на ледник с Джилл и Марио и будут нырять с белухами и нарвалами в открытом Северном Ледовитом океане. Они пойдут за ними в бухту Диско в Гренландии, чтобы исследовать нижнюю часть айсбергов и открыть для себя светящийся мир водорослей. Вернувшись в Канаду в регионе Науяат, они будут плавать с моржами и белыми медведями, опасными хищниками Арктики. 

2019/ ПРЕМЬЕРА /Исландия/42 мин./6+/Режиссер Спенсер Фрост
Фильм «Угол Земли» — это кинематографическое исследование в условиях северной зимы, героями которого становятся профессиональный серфер Фрейзер Довел, режиссер Спенсер Фрост и фотограф Гай Виллемент. Путешествие “тройки отважных” на край Земли, чтобы ловить волны и потрясающие кадры в красивейших местах суровой Арктики. Герои борются с экстремальными погодными явлениями и восхищаются величием природы.


8 ДЕКАБРЯ (воскресенье)

КАФЕ-ГАЛЕРЕЯ «СТЕПАНОВЪ» (Архангельск, Набережная Северной Двины, 32)
2019/Россия/Мелодрама/15 мин. /6+ /Режиссер Дарья Биневская
Представит режиссер Дарья Биневская
A mother and her two small children are taken to an infectious diseases hospital one night in winter. One bizzare encounter in the hospital will change the mother’s life forever.

— НУРЕХ / NOOREH 2018/Индия/Драма/22 мин./6+/Режиссер Ashsih Pandey
A small village near the border between Kashmir (India) and Pakistan has often been in the middle of crossfire. One night, eight-year old Nureh wakes up to find that the bloody war stops for as long as she keeps her eyes open and resumes every time she closes them.
2019 / Canada / 22 min/6+ / Directed by Sandrine Broder-Desrosiers
Eva (8 years old) and her father are doing a road trip Montreal-Mexico in a big 18-wheels truck.
2018 / USA/10 min/6+ / Directed by Marine G. Brun-Franzetti
Это история о Лео, десятилетней девочке, которая восстает против своего отца Мистера Риссо, управляющего в супермаркете Willy. Лео страстно любит дельфинов и находит убежище в воображаемом мире, созданном в ее спальне. Она обрисовывает план акции протеста возле супермаркета, которым управляет ее отец.
2019 / Sweden / drama/7 min/12+ / Directors Stephane Mounkassa, Stefan Sundin
Last class of the week. Niklas is about to change school after years of bullying but he refuses to leave the classroom without restitution. Cleo hesitates to intervene but finds herself in a dilemma that forces her to make a choice.

2018 / UK, Nepal/16 min./12+ / Director Dekel Berenson
Nestled between a beautiful lake and the Himalayas, Ashmina, 13, lives with her family at the outskirts of Pokhara, Nepal, paragliding capital of the world.
— -21 ГРАДУС / -21 DE
2018 / Canada / drama / 17 min/6+ / Director Colin Nixon
Джессика, молодая женщина с синдромом Дауна, стремится утолить свою жажду рыбалки. Оказавшись в групповом доме-интернате, под руководством строгой Дианы, она решает однажды ночью бежать к замерзшему озеру.
2019 / Russia / drama / 20 min. / 12+ / Director Sergey Tselikov
A group of young adventure-seekers want fame. Every day they do dangerous things and have them filmed for posting online. Things change when a stranger comes to their extreme training camp Adjika to introduce them on a fast, semilegal track to fame. Unaware of the stranger’s plan to play with their ambitions, the guys follow his instructions.

Visits: 1722