Arctic Open 2019 is about to finalize its jury membership. Films will be competing in three main categories, one being full-length feature films, whose jury will be chaired by film director Yusup Razykov. Arctic Open will show Razykov’s Kerosene, awarded by this year’s Kinotavr with a Russian Guild of Film Critics prize. Kerosene follows mothers and their families who are struggling through difficulties and is about love, devotion and beauty. One more cinematographer to select the festival’s best feature film is Leonid Chertok, film director, screen writer and film critic with 11 years of experience at Mosfilm as key grip and assistant cameraman (Vokzal dlya dvoikh, Liubov I golubi, Batalyony prosyat ognya, among others). The list of competing features is yet to be finalized. According to the organizers, negotiations are still in progress with some of the filmmakers.


Yusup Razykov
Leonid Chertok

The second category for films to compete for best cinematography, script and direction is shorts. Its jury will be led by world famous Danny Lennon, one of the programmers for the Cannes Film Festival.

«“What I look for in a short film is above all CINEMA, I want to see and feel that the person behind the camera is trying to tell a story. It doesn't need to be perfect, I want to feel that I am discovering a diamond in the rough. I want to be able to tell myself: I have to keep an eye on this or that person in the future!” said Danny Lennon.

Danny Lennon

Arctic Open closed its call on 10 October. Shortlisted films will be announced on the 25th October, Friday, selected submissions from filmmakers in 128 countries.

Angelika Dolinina

“This year’s films deal with a vast range of topics and there are many that focus on individual personalities, personal choices and responsibility for one’s place in this world. They show how complex issues, political and environmental, such as climate change and immigration are being dealt with by individuals on their own, without the involvement of the state. This would be the main trend in the themes of this year’s submissions,” says Arctic Open Programmer Angelica Dolinina.

The shorts jury will be contributed also by Vladislav Pasternak, film producer and director general at HHG. He thinks of short films as a pathway to full-length features:

“These are not funding or technical side that drives the trend in the first place, but rather the ability to tell a story, enliven it through acting and expert cinematography, and it doesn’t matter what you use for filming, a smart phone or the latest camera with huge zoom lenses. Comedy stories would fit the genre of short films perfectly. As would a true drama story. Good films are easily discovered true art is what we’re pursuing in the first place.”

Vladislav Pasternak

The shorts jury includes also Evgenia Marchenkofilm director, cinematographer and programmer at Message To Man IFF.

Evgenia Marchenko
Алексей Вахрушев
Alexey Vakhrushev

The documentary films jury will be chaired by Alexey VakhrushevDirector, screenwriter, film producer, member of the Russian Association of Filmmakers and the Russian Film Directors Guild, research officer with Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. Vakhrushev’s Kniga Morya (The Book of Sea) is on Arctic Open’s non-competition programme.

Among the documentary jury members is Sweden’s Staffan Julen, author of THE PRIZE OF THE POLE (DocAviv 2008), MY HEART OF DARKNESS (2010) and LYUBOV — live in Russian, created in collaboration with Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alexievich and selected by Arctic Open for its non-competition programme.

The documentary jury will also include Antoine Cattindocumentary film director and cinematographer who works in Switzerland and Russia, and Klavdia Khoroshavinaknown to many in Arkhangelsk as a documentary director, script writer and RF honoured worker of culture who created more than 200 documentaries about the Russian North, the most well-known being the film series about writers V. Astafiev, F. Abramov and V. Lichutin, Neistovy (The Furious), Beglets iz raya (Runaway From Paradise), Pinega! Dai vody na zhivot (Pinega! Bless me with your aqua viva), Razmyshlenia o russkom yazyke (Reflections On The Russian Language). The picturesque northern locations in Khoroshavina’s films leave audiences breathless.

Antoine Cattin
Klavdia Khoroshavina

This year’s festival features a selection of films for children and adolescents, Arctic Open – Children. Children’s films jury will be presided by Yury Yerofeevjournalist, screen writer, producer, member of Association of Russian Journalists, and organizer of Northern Character FF and Northern Character: Green Screen FF. Two other jury members are Dmitry Trubin, Arkhangelsk-based painter, graphic and book artist, and Svetlana Makaryinapoet and author of children’s books including Budka Dlya Dobroy Sobaki (A House for a Friendly Dog). 

Arctic Open will span five days (December 4-8) in Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, Konosha and Severoonezhsk.

Arctic Open 2019 is about to finalize its jury membership. Films will be competing in three main categories, one being full-length feature films, whose jury will be chaired by film director Yusup Razykov. Arctic Open will show Razykov’s Kerosene, awarded by this year’s Kinotavr with a Russian Guild of Film Critics prize. Kerosene follows mothers and their families who are struggling through difficulties and is about love, devotion and beauty. One more cinematographer to select the festival’s best feature film is Leonid Chertok, film director, screen writer and film critic with 11 years of experience at Mosfilm as key grip and assistant cameraman (Vokzal dlya dvoikh, Liubov I golubi, Batalyony prosyat ognya, among others). The list of competing features is yet to be finalized. According to the organizers, negotiations are still in progress with some of the filmmakers.

Yusup Razykov
Leonid Chertok

The second category for films to compete for best cinematography, script and direction is shorts. Its jury will be led by world famous Danny Lennon, one of the programmers for the Cannes Film Festival.

Danny Lennon

«В искусстве короткометражного фильма я ищу то же, что и во всем кинематографе: мне важно видеть и чувствовать, что человек за кадром пытается рассказать историю. Не нужно быть совершенным, мне важно найти потенциал, как у неограненного алмаза. Так, чтоб я мог сказать себе: я должен присмотреться к тому или иному человеку в будущем», — рассказал Дэнни Леннон.

Arctic Open closed its call on 10 October. Shortlisted films will be announced on the 25th October, Friday, selected submissions from filmmakers in 128 countries.

Angelika Dolinina

“This year’s films deal with a vast range of topics and there are many that focus on individual personalities, personal choices and responsibility for one’s place in this world. They show how complex issues, political and environmental, such as climate change and immigration are being dealt with by individuals on their own, without the involvement of the state. This would be the main trend in the themes of this year’s submissions,” says Arctic Open Programmer Angelica Dolinina.

The shorts jury will be contributed also by Vladislav Pasternak, film producer and director general at HHG. He thinks of short films as a pathway to full-length features:

Vladislav Pasternak

“These are not funding or technical side that drives the trend in the first place, but rather the ability to tell a story, enliven it through acting and expert cinematography, and it doesn’t matter what you use for filming, a smart phone or the latest camera with huge zoom lenses. Comedy stories would fit the genre of short films perfectly. As would a true drama story. Good films are easily discovered true art is what we’re pursuing in the first place.”

Также в жюри короткого метра войдёт Евгения Марченко, режиссёр и оператор, отборщик и куратор конкурсных программ Международного кинофестиваля «Послание к человеку».

Evgenia Marchenko
Alexey Vakhrushev

Ещё одна категория кинофильмов — это документальное кино. Жюри в ней возглавит Алексей Вахрушев, режиссер, сценарист, продюсер, член Союза кинематографистов и Гильдии кинорежиссеров России, научный сотрудник Института этнологии и антропологии РАН. Во время кинофестиваля пройдёт внеконкурсный показ его документального фильма «Книга моря».

Among the documentary jury members is Sweden’s Staffan Julen, author of THE PRIZE OF THE POLE (DocAviv 2008), MY HEART OF DARKNESS (2010) and LYUBOV — live in Russian, created in collaboration with Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alexievich and selected by Arctic Open for its non-competition programme.

В жюри документальных фильмов также войдут Антуан Каттин, швейцарский и российский оператор и режиссёр документального кино, и известная многим жителям Архангельской области Клавдия Хорошавина, режиссёр-документалист, сценарист, заслуженный деятель искусств РФ. За свою творческую жизнь она создала более двухсот документальных фильмов о Русском Севере. Среди известных работ режиссёра — циклы фильмов, посвящённых известным северным писателям В. Астафьеву, Ф. Абрамову и В. Личутину, такие, как «Неистовый», «Беглец из рая», «Пинега! Дай воды на живот», «Размышления о русском языке», и, конечно, красивейшие и живописные фильмы о заповедных северных местах.

Antoine Cattin
Klavdia Khoroshavina

В этом году впервые фильмы для детей и подростков будут выделены в отдельную конкурсную категорию «Arctic open детям». В жюри входит Юрий Ерофеев, журналист, сценарист, продюсер,член Союза журналистов РФ. Является одним из организаторов международных фестивалей «Северный характер» и «Северный Характер: green screen». В комиссию судей войдёт также Дмитрий Трубин, архангельский живописец, график и художник книги, и Светлана Макарьина, поэт, детский автор. Автор трёх сборников стихов, один из которых – для детей «Будка для доброй собаки». 

Arctic Open will span five days (December 4-8) in Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, Konosha and Severoonezhsk.

Visits: 1130