Film Marathon ARCTIC OPEN ONLINE offers access to its official selection of films


Traditionally, Arkhangelsk-based ARCTIC OPEN Film Marathon
spans January through April, echoing the International FF of the Arctic countries, first held in the early December of 2017.
The official selection of films is shown during the marathon at cinemas, museums, community houses and libraries in the municipalities of Arkhangelsk Province. But not this year. The coronavirus pandemic has caused us to go online. Having agreed it with filmmakers, FILM MARATHON – ARCTIC OPEN ONLINE offers its selection of films on Youtube for home viewing.
The varied selection of films includes auteur films – features, shorts and documentaries – made in Russia, Sweden, Canada, Turkey, Norway and other countries. The majority of them are not available on the Internet. Being products of the modern Arctic filmmaking, they feature the directing craft and themes that will make you feel you are making the most of the time isolating at home.
All of the films are in original languages, with English subtitles. The selection will be available for viewing until May 15, 2020.


Films are added to the selection every day. Please let us know if you need access:

1. on our VKontakte page:
- by e-mailing us:

and we’ll send you the link to ARCTIC OPEN ONLINE.



To know more about the films and the authors here full program of the film marathon

Visits: 1520