Arctic Open’s documentary jury will be presided by film director Alexey Vakhrushev

This year’s jury features also Swiss and Russian documentary director and cinematographer Antoine Cattin and Sweden’s film director Staffan Julen The 3rd Arctic Countries FF ARCTIC OPEN’s documentary jury will be led by film director and screen writer Alexey Vakhrushev, Programmer Angelica Dolinina told TASS.

“Our documentary jury will be chaired by Alexey Vakhrushev, a director, script writer, producer, research officer at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, and member of the Russian Cinematographers and Film Director Guild. Alexey comes from Chukotka. It and the indigenous peoples living there are the main theme of his films,” said Dolinina.

Vakhrushev made his first film, Vremya taianyia snegov (Time for Snowmelt), about Eskimos migration from Chukotka’s Provideniye area to the deadly gulf of Tkachen, in 1993. His 1996 documentary Ptitsy Naukana (The Birds of Naukan) follows the story

of a no longer existing Eskimo community. The next film, Ostov (The Island), set near the Bering Strait where runs the international date line, came out in 2001 and was followed by 2008 documentary, Dobro pozhalovat’ v Enurmino (Welcome to Enurmino) about a small coastal community of the Chukchi Sea. His Kniga Tundry. Povest o Vukvulkay, Malenkom kamne (The Book of Tundra. The Tale of the Small Stone of Vouckvoukay) earned Vakhrushev a Nika in Best Documentary nomination (2012). “Arctic Open will feature Alexey’s Kniga Morya (The Book of Sea, 2018), which is going to be shown within our non-competition programme, and the audiences will be able to meet and talk to Alexey,” said Angelica Dolinina.

Staffan studio 1 sv
Staffan studio 1 sv
The other members of the jury include Swiss and Russian documentary director and cinematographer Antoine Cattin and Sweden’s Staffan Julen. “Julen’s Lyubov: Love in Russian will be shown as part of our non-competition programme,” said Dolinina. “There will also be Klavdia Khoroshavina, whom we all know as a local filmmaker with more than 200 films and who devotes all of them to the land of Pomors and the Russian North.”
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The feature films jury will be presided by film director Yusup Razykov and the shorts jury by Canada’s Prends зa court! founder Danny Lennon. This year’s festival will span 5 days (December 4-8). Its films will be shown in Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk and Novodvinsk. Last year, ARCTIC OPEN spanned December 6-9. The 53 films on its official selection had been seen by more than 5,000 people.
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