Arctic Open Movie Marathon Offers an Online Selection for Home Viewing

The makers of the films that competed in the 3rd Arctic Countries Film Festival ARCITIC OPEN have kindly agreed for their films to be shown online to northern audiences.

Arctic Open Movie Marathon Arctic Open reaches people’s homes. Given the regime of complete self-isolation, that has been introduced in Arkhangelsk Province as well, the festival organizers have gained an exceptional agreement from filmmakers to provide on-demand online access to their films. 

As we wrote earlier, Arctic Open Movie Marathon, a follow-up event to ARCTIC OPEN FF, телеэфирhad moved from local cinemas, libraries, community centers and related venues to online format. The films shortlisted for the 3rd Arctic Open can now can be seen on small screens.

The link to films can be requested on Arctic Open’s page on VKontakte or by emailing the festival: The short, feature and documentary films available for home viewing currently include:

  • THIS WON’T LAST FOREVER/ drama/ Russia/ directed by Yevgeniya Yatskina and Alena Rubinstein);
  • SVETLANA OCH KURT FOREVER/ documentary/ Sweden/ directed by Valentina Svensson;
  • FROZEN FISH, WARM VOICES/ documentary/ Sweden/ directed by Tamara Sushko;
  • 67 49 32 NORTH/ documentary/ Canada, Turkey/ directed by Ece Soydam and Mathieu Dumond;
  • PALEKH - BACK ON THE MAP/ documentary/ Russia / directed by Alexander Abramov;
  • FOR THE BEAUTY TO STAY, a documentary dedicated to writer F.A. Abramov’s 100th anniversary, directed by Marina Nikitina, Russia.

Notably, the selection includes both the competing and winning films. Tamara Sushko’s Frozen Fish, Warm Voices was recognized by the festival as ‘the best portrayal of one family’s story and what had been experienced by thousands of people’, while Valentina Svensson’s film won the Best Documentary Award and was praised by the jury for “reminding the audience of what love is through simple and skillful directing.”

There will soon be more films on the list. The link will be available until May 15, 2020.



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